Bibb County Republican Party Rules

Bibb County Republican Party Rules

Proposed: April 17, 2021
Adopted: April 17, 2021
Effective: April 17, 2021

  1. NAME: The name of this organization shall be the Bibb County Republican Party (hereafter referred to as BCRP).
  2. PURPOSE: The organization shall serve as the central and unified authority and representative body of the Republican platform and policies within the county of Bibb in the state of Georgia. All rules shall be in accordance with the policies of the District, State and National parties and applicable laws (hereafter referred to as Rules).
  3. MEMBERSHIP: Membership in BCRP shall be open to any registered voter of Bibb County, Georgia (hereafter referred to the County) who agree with the principles of the Republican Party, support its candidates and are in sympathy with its aim and purpose.
  4. COUNTY COMMITTEE: The main governing body of the BCRP shall be the County Committee.
    • MEMBERSHIP: All members of the County Committee must be eligible for membership in the BCRP and shall consist of the following:
      • OFFICERS: Either elected at the county convention or by action of the County Committee as appropriate.
      • IMMEDIATE PAST CHAIRMAN: The person holding the office of Chairman during the last biennial County Convention. If this person is unable or unwilling to serve, this position shall remain vacant.
      • STANDING SUB­COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN: All permanent standing sub­committee chairmen defined in these Rules.
      • PRECINCT CHAIRMEN: All precinct chairmen elected at precinct mass meetings called by the Georgia State Republican Party (hereafter known as the State Party) as well as those installed by action of the County Committee.
      • ELECTED OFFICIALS: All Republican elected officials who are registered voters of Bibb County who request membership to the County Committee in writing.
      • OTHER MEMBERS: Other members as approved by action of the County Committee, which may include, but not limited to, the chairmen of Republican Party affiliated organizations.
      • OTHER EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBERS: Any other voting member of the Executive Committee not otherwise mentioned in this section shall also be a member of the County Committee.
    • NON VOTING MEMBERS: The County Chairman may appoint additional non­voting members of the County Committee as follows:
      • PARLIAMENTARIAN: The Parliamentarian shall act as an advisor to the Presiding Officer on issues of order and decorum.
      • GENERAL COUNSEL: The General Counsel shall act as the official legal advisor to the BCRP.
    • TERM OF OFFICE: All members of the County Committee shall serve from their election or appointment until the conclusion of the next biennial county convention or until removed by any other provision of these Rules.
    • MEETINGS: The County Committee shall meet at least twice per calendar year and as many more times as deemed appropriate.
      • ADDITIONAL MEETINGS: Additional meetings may either be called by:
        • THE COUNTY CHAIRMAN: The county chairman may call additional meetings as needed by written notice to all members of the County Committee at least 3 days in advance of such meeting.
        • REQUEST OF THE COUNTY COMMITTEE: A County Committee meeting may be called by written request of at least one­third of the total County Committee membership to the full County Committee membership at least 3 days in advance of such a meeting. Vacancies shall not be used in the calculation of total membership.
        • REGULAR MEETINGS: A regular meeting schedule may be set by action of the County Committee.
      • QUORUM: To conduct official business, unless otherwise specified, a quorum of County Committee shall consist of the presence or proxies of at least 50% of the County Committee voting membership, excluding vacancies. Other non­official business may still be conducted in the absence of a quorum.
      • RULES: All County Committee meetings shall follow the latest edition of Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised unless modified by these Rules or the rules of the State Party.
      • PRESIDING OFFICER: The County Chairman shall act as presiding officer of all County Committee meetings. In the absence of the County Chairman, the next officer present in the order listed in the Officers section of these Rules shall serve as the Presiding Officer. If no officer is present, the County Committee shall elect a temporary Presiding Officer.
    • NOTICES: All required written notices for the calling of meetings may be of the form of US or Electronic Mail and must specify the time, date and location of the County Committee meeting.
    • LOCATION: All County Committee meetings, except those held by remote conferencing, must be held within Bibb County.
    • PROXIES: Any member may appoint another County Committee member, except the County Chairman, as a proxy, provided that no single member of the County Committee holds more than 5 proxies.
    • MULTIPLE ROLES: Any person who qualifies for membership on the County Committee under more than one provision of these Rules shall only be entitled to a single vote on the County Committee, not including any proxies that may be held.
  5. COUNTY EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: The Executive Committee shall act with the full powers and abilities of the County Committee between County Committee meetings and all actions shall have the same weight and force as if performed by the County Committee, except in the case of removal from office, which may only be considered by the County Committee.
    • MEMBERSHIP: All members of the Executive Committee must be eligible for
      membership in the BCRP and shall consist of the following:

      • OFFICERS: Either elected at the county convention or by action of the County Committee as appropriate.
      • IMMEDIATE PAST CHAIRMAN: The person holding the office of Chairman during the last biennial County Convention. If this person is unable or unwilling to serve, this position shall remain vacant.
      • STANDING SUB­COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN: All permanent standing sub­committee chairmen defined in these Rules.
      • OTHER MEMBERS: Other members as approved by action of the County Committee, which may include, but not limited to, the chairmen of Republican Party affiliated organizations but not to exceed 7 additional members.
    • NON VOTING MEMBERS: The following County Committee non­voting members shall also be non­voting members of the Executive Committee.
      • PARLIAMENTARIAN: The Parliamentarian shall act as an advisor to the Presiding Officer on issues of order and decorum.
      • GENERAL COUNSEL: The General Counsel shall act as the official legal advisor to the BCRP.
    • OTHER NON­VOTING MEMBERS: The Chairman may appoint up to 5 additional advisory members to the Executive Committee.
    • TERM OF OFFICE: All members of the Executive Committee shall serve from their election or appointment until the conclusion of the next biennial county convention or until removed by any other provision of these Rules.
    • MEETINGS: The Executive Committee shall meet as many times as deemed appropriate.
      • ADDITIONAL MEETINGS: Meetings may be called by:
        • THE COUNTY CHAIRMAN: The County Chairman may call additional meetings as needed by written notice to all members of the Executive Committee at least 3 days in advance of such meeting.
        • REQUEST OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: An Executive Committee meeting may be called by written request of at least one­third of the Executive Committee membership to the full Executive Committee membership at least 3 days in advance of such a meeting. Vacancies shall not be used in the calculation of total membership.
        • REGULAR MEETINGS: A regular meeting schedule may be set by action of the Executive Committee.
      • QUORUM: To conduct official business, a quorum of Executive Committee shall consist of the presence or proxies of at least 50% of the Executive Committee voting membership, excluding vacancies.
      • RULES: All County Committee meetings shall follow the latest edition of Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised unless modified by these Rules or the rules of the State Party.
      • PRESIDING OFFICER: The County Chairman shall act as presiding officer of all Executive Committee meetings. In the absence of the County Chairman, the next officer present in the order listed in the Officers section of these Rules shall serve as the Presiding Officer. If no officer is present, the Executive Committee shall elect a
        temporary Presiding Officer.
    • NOTICES: All required written notices for the calling of meetings may be of the form of US or Electronic Mail and must specify the time, date and location of the Executive Committee meeting.
    • LOCATION: All Executive Committee meetings, except those by remote conferencing, must be held within Bibb County.
    • PROXIES: Any member may appoint another Executive Committee member, except the County Chairman, as a proxy in writing, provided that no single member of the Executive Committee holds more than 3 proxies.
    • MULTIPLE ROLES: Any person who qualifies for membership on the Executive Committee under more than one provision of these Rules shall only be entitled to a single vote on the Executive Committee, not including any proxies that may be held.
    • CHAIRMAN: The County Chairman shall have the following duties:
      • He shall serve as the Chief Executive Officer of the County Committee.
      • He shall serve as the Presiding Officer of all County and Executive Committee meetings.
      • He shall have all duties in regard to Mass Meetings and County Conventions as specified in the State Party rules.
      • He shall have the power to appoint vacancies as specified in these Rules.
    • FIRST VICE­CHAIRMAN: The First Vice Chairman shall have the following duties:
      • He shall act as Chairman in his absence.
      • In the event of a vacancy in the office of Chairman, the First Vice­Chairman shall act as the Chairman until the vacancy is filled.
      • He shall perform any such duties as assigned by action of the County Committee or delegated to him by the County Chairman.
    • SECOND VICE­CHAIRMAN: The Second Vice­Chairman shall have the following duties:
      • He shall act as Chairman in the absence of both the Chairman and First Vice­Chairman.
      • In the event of a vacancy in the office of First Vice­Chairman, the Second Vice­Chairman shall act as the First Vice­Chairman until the vacancy is filled.
      • In the event of a vacancy in both the offices of Chairman and First Vice­Chairman, the Second Vice­Chairman shall act as the Chairman until the vacancy is filled.
      • He shall perform any such duties as assigned by action of the County Committee or delegated to him by the County Chairman.
    • TREASURER: The Treasurer shall have the following duties:
      • He shall collect all money due the County Committee and shall deposit such funds in the bank or banks selected by the County Committee.
      • He shall keep a correct account of all receipts and disbursements in accordance with generally accepted accounting practices, and which shall be open for inspection by any member of the County Committee, and shall provide a report of these activities at all County and Executive Committee meetings.
      • He shall maintain a record of all properties and assets of the BCRP.
      • The County Committee may make additional requirements on the Treasurer for bonding, record keeping or auditing of BCRP accounts as needed.
      • He shall perform any such duties as assigned by action of the County Committee or delegated to him by the County Chairman.
    • SECRETARY: The Secretary shall have the following duties:
      • He shall keep all minutes of all meetings of the County and Executive Committees, and provide a copy at the next respective meeting for approval.
      • He shall be the custodian of all records which are the property of the BCRP.
      • He shall prepare written notices as requested by the County Chairman or required by these Rules.
      • He shall maintain a list of all active sitting members of the County and Executive Committees and shall make these lists available to all BCRP members.
      • He shall perform any such duties as assigned by action of the County Committee or delegated to him by the County Chairman.
  7. SUB­COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN: In addition to officers, there shall also be the following Sub­Committee Chairmen who shall be appointed by the Chairman with the consent of the County Committee. Each Sub­Committee Chairman shall then be empowered to appoint as many members as needed with the consent of the County Committee. Sub­Committee Chairmen may also serve as Chairman of multiple Sub­Committees and may also serve as an officer in the BCRP. Quorum for all sub­committees shall consist of 50% of the membership of the respective sub­committee.
    • RULES: The Rules Sub­Committee shall maintain these Rules and advise the County and Executive Committee on issues related to these, the District and State Party Rules. If appointed the BCRP Parliamentarian shall be an ex­officio member of the Rules Sub­Committee.
    • MEMBERSHIP: The Membership Sub­Committee shall work to retain and recruit members of the BCRP. This shall include organizing precincts, maintaining BCRP membership list, tracking meeting attendance and other membership related duties. The Secretary shall be an ex­officio member of the Membership Sub­Committee.
    • FINANCE: The finance committee shall work to create a budget for the BCRP as well as develop fundraising for BCRP activities. The Treasurer shall be an ex­officio member of the Finance Sub­Committee.
    • OTHER SUB­COMMITTEES: Other sub­committees may be created by action of the County Committee as needed.
  8. REGULAR ELECTION OF OFFICERS: Regular elections of officers shall occur during the biennial County Convention. Each contested office shall be elected individually by a majority of votes cast in a secret ballot. All newly elected officers shall assume office at the adjournment of the convention.
  9. REMOVAL OF MEMBERS AND OFFICERS: Members and officers of the County and Executive Committees may be removed for cause by a two­thirds majority of the quorum in a duly called meeting of the County Committee. In addition to other requirements for calling a County Committee meeting, the call must also state the person to be removed and the proposed cause for removal. For the case of removal, cause shall be defined as:
    • Failure to perform duties as specified in these Rules or assigned by action of the
      County Committee.
    • Any member publicly supporting a candidate in a general election against a duly qualified and nominated Republican candidate.
    • The County Chairman supporting any candidate in a contested Republican primary.
    • Any member other than the County Chairman using their title or position in support of a candidate in a contested Republican primary.
    • Conduct considered detrimental to the interests of the Republican Party.
    • Any officer or member of the County or Executive Committee is considered to have resigned their office immediately under the following circumstances:
      • Qualifying to run for any partisan public office, unless his membership on the committee is due to holding that particular political office.
      • Loss of Bibb County residency.
      • Loss of Bibb County voter registration.
      • Missing three consecutive duly called County or Executive Committee meetings without sending proxy.
      • Resignations, once given, may not be rescinded and shall be accepted or rejected by a majority vote of a quorum of the County Committee.
  10. FILLING VACANCIES: The County Chairman and County Committee shall have the power to fill vacancies in the members and officers of the County and Executive Committee as specified in the Rules.
    • OFFICERS: In the case of any officer vacancy in the office of any other officer, the County Committee shall elect a new officer. In the case of multiple vacancies the vacancies shall be filled in the same order as specified for convention elections.
    • SUB­COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN: In the case of a vacancy in the office of Sub­Committee Chairman, the County Chairman shall appoint a replacement with consent of the County Committee.
    • NON­VOTING MEMBERS: Vacancies of non­voting members may be filled by appointment of the County Chairman.
    • PRECINCT CHAIRMEN: Vacancies in the position of Precinct Chairmen shall be filled by appointment by the County Chairman with the consent of the County Committee, when requested by a BCRP member of that precinct.
  11. REMOTE CONFERENCING: All meetings, except where expressly prohibited by rule or law, may be held by remote conferencing tools, provided the method is specified in the meeting call. The following rules shall also apply:
    • The acceptable methods of remote conferencing shall be by e­mail or audio, video and text conferencing.
    • Audio, video and text conferencing shall proceed as a normal in­person meeting and any combination of these methods may be used as specified in the call.
    • For meetings conducted by e­mail, the following rules shall apply:
      1. If not otherwise specified in the call, the presiding officer shall be the member who would ordinarily act as the presiding officer of the body.
      2. The only questions that may be considered are those explicitly listed in the call, without amendment, except to correct clerical and other minor errors that do not affect the meaning of the question. These may be accepted at the discretion of the presiding officer by e­mail before the time of meeting.
      3. No other motions shall be in order during a meeting by e­mail.
      4. Discussion may proceed immediately following the call, but votes on the question(s) shall not be counted unless cast during the open voting period.
      5. The open voting period shall begin at the meeting time and voting shall remain open for exactly 24 hours.
      6. All votes should be addressed to the voting members as a whole and not just the presiding officer or another member.
      7. Members entitled a vote on the question(s) may request the assistance of another voting member to publish their votes to the other members of the body.
      8. When the vote is closed, any eligible voter casting an official yea, nay or blank vote within the open voting period shall be counted for quorum and for passage of the question. No proxies may be counted, except as described in 11C(7).
      9. The presiding officer shall announce the results of all votes by e­mail by listing separately those voting yea and nay as well as those submitting a blank vote and those members not voting. The presiding officer shall also specify if quorum was reached and whether or not the vote was sufficient for passage.
  12. BOARD OF ELECTIONS: Representatives of the Bibb County Republican Party who serve as members of the Bibb County Board of Elections shall be chosen by the County Committee in January of each odd numbered year to serve a two year term. Persons wishing to be a candidate for election to this Board shall advise the County Chairman of such desire, in writing, no later than December 15th of the preceding year. Any vacancy created by death, resignation or removal of any members of the Bibb County Board of Elections shall be filled by the County Committee by a majority vote of a quorum present.
  13. COMMITTEE VOTES: All actions taken by any committee of the BCRP shall require a majority vote of a quorum of members of the respective committee unless otherwise specified in the Rules.
  14. DELEGATES TO CONVENTIONS: Delegates to the various conventions of other organizations that the BCRP is entitled to elect shall be elected in accordance with the rules of the respective body. The following rules, when not in conflict, shall also apply:
    • All convention Delegates and Alternates elected at Mass Meetings and County Conventions shall be elected as a slate from their respective political subdivision and require a majority vote of a quorum of those qualified to vote .
    • Delegates and Alternates shall be elected on separate slates.
    • Delegates and Alternates may only be elected from BCRP members who have certified their intent to stand for election as a Delegate, either in writing or in person at the Mass Meeting or Convention in which they are to be elected. Any such statement of intent must specify the BCRP member by Full Name, Address and Date of Birth to verify their registration against the County voter roll, unless voting status is not a requirement for election. Such notification shall be directed to the BCRP Chairman, the BCRP Executive Committee, or, if applicable, any constituted Nominations Committee.
    • Before any Alternates are elected, a full slate of Delegates shall first be filled and then any member not selected as a Delegate who qualified under rule 13c may then be
      elected as an Alternate.
    • All Alternates elected by the BCRP shall be seated as Delegates, as necessary, in the order in which they appeared on the approved slate.
    • Each Precinct at a Mass Meeting and the BCRP at the County Convention shall elect every BCRP member eligible under rule 13c as a Delegate or Alternate when the number of members eligible to be Delegates does not exceed the maximum size of the delegation, otherwise a full delegation shall be elected from among those eligible.
    • No proxies will be accepted for any business conducted at a Mass Meeting or County Convention.
  15. MASS MEETINGS: The BCRP shall conduct mass meetings in accordance with State Party Rules. The following rules, when not in conflict, shall also apply:
    • In the event of controversy in the interpretation of any applicable rules, the respective political divisions shall first attempt to resolve the issue by majority vote of their membership in attendance.
    • Any final ruling by a precinct may be appealed, while the Mass Meeting is in session, to the BCRP Executive Committee, if a quorum is present, by petition of either a BCRP member of that precinct or a member of the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall decide the dispute by majority vote before the adjournment of the Mass Meeting. Use of these expedited appeal provisions shall not affect the eligibility of any member to use the standard BCRP appeal provisions outlined in these Rules.
    • All precincts shall be called to order simultaneously by the Mass Meeting presiding officer, but each precinct shall caucus and adjourn individually.
    • Any precinct that fails to have a member registered and in attendance at the Call to Order of the Mass Meeting shall not be permitted to caucus and transact precinct business and that precinct shall not be permitted to elect County Convention delegates.
    • The slate of delegates and alternates elected by a precinct to the County Convention may be challenged by any BCRP member if a written protest is submitted to the Credentials Committee at least one week prior to the County Convention.
    • Any precinct that fails to follow applicable BCRP rules in the selection of their delegates and alternates may have suffer sanctions at the County Convention up to and including the refusal to seat their delegation. The Credentials Committee shall meet to make recommendations to the County Convention regarding all such delegate disputes.
  16. COUNTY CONVENTIONS: The BCRP shall conduct a biennial County Convention in accordance with State Party Rules and in addition to the elections for county officers listed in these Rules shall also elect or appoint all State and District delegates, officers and members as entitled under State and District Rules. Additional Conventions may be held as specified by State and District rules, but these conventions shall not have the authority to elect officers. The following rules shall also apply:
    • All County Convention Committees shall be independent of any standing County sub­committee with similar function under these rules.
    • Interim County Convention Committees and interim County Convention Officers shall be appointed by the County Chairman with consent of the County Committee.
    • The permanent County Convention Committees and all permanent Convention officers shall be elected by the County Convention.
    • The Convention Committees shall be composed of no fewer than 3 members and no more than 7, including the Chairman. Only credentialed Delegates may serve as members on a permanent Convention Committee.
    • No person either serving or standing for election as a County Officer may serve as the County Convention Chairman.
  17. COUNTY CONVENTION RULES: The BCRP shall maintain a set of special rules for conducting County Conventions, which shall not conflict with the Rules of the BCRP.
    • Convention rules may be adopted by a majority vote of a quorum of delegates of a County Convention or by a two­thirds vote at a duly called County Committee meeting.
    • Failing the adoption of new Convention Rules by the delegates of a Convention, the Convention shall operate under the last approved County Convention Rules.
    • Amendments to County Convention Rules shall take effect immediately after adoption.
    • County Convention Rules may be suspended, when necessary for a specific purpose, by a two­thirds vote as specified in Roberts Rules.
  18. MASS MEETING RULES: The BCRP shall maintain a set of special rules for conducting Mass Meetings, which shall not conflict with the Rules of the BCRP by two­thirds vote of a duly called County Committee meeting.
  19. AMENDMENTS: Amendments to these Rules may be adopted as follows:
    • The County Committee shall have the power to amend these Rules by three­quarters vote of a quorum present at a duly called County Committee meeting, provided that the entire text of the amendments has been included with the meeting notice.
    • These Rules may be amendment at any biennial County Convention by a three­quarter vote of a quorum of delegates.
    • All amendments shall take effect upon the adjournment of the meeting in which they were finally approved and upon meeting of any filing requirements by rule or law unless another time is specified in the enacting resolution, but such time shall not be prior to the normal requirements specified in this section.
    • Previously adopted rules may be approved by majority vote of a quorum of delegates at a biennial County Convention.
  20. CONFLICTS: To the extent that any rule herein, or section thereof, is in conflict with the Rules of the Georgia Republican Party, the Georgia Election Code, the Georgia Municipal Election Code or Federal Election Laws, such remainder of the Rules shall not be affected.
  21. MINOR FORMATTING CHANGES: Minor formatting changes, including those involving punctuation, capitalization, spelling and numbering, to these Rules that do not materially affect the meaning of any provision shall be permitted without the need for amendment at the discretion of the County Committee.